Thursday, 30 August 2012

Wearing glasses

Today I'm going to buy a new pair of glasses. Yes, I'm a shortsighted person for a long time now. But I try to avoid wearing glasses because 1. I don't feel comfortable having something on my nose all the time and 2. I don't like how I look wearing them.

Azi merg sa-mi iau ochelari. Da,da.. sunt mioapa de ceva vreme, doar ca ma feresc de ochelari pentru ca, in primul rand, nu mi se par prea confortabili si, in al doilea rand, nu-mi place cum imi sta cu ei.

I usually wear contact lenses, but its healthier to combine the two of them. So, I decided it's time to buy glasses. But no, it's not easy at all.. so I thought that maybe I can help those who have the same problem.

De obicei port lentile, doar ca e bine sa alternam intre cele doua. Asa ca, in sfarsit, m-am hotarat sa-mi fac ochelari. Dar nu-i usor deloc.. asa ca m-am gandit la voi, cei care imi impartasiti "problema".. si mai jos puteti vedea doua linkuri ajutatoare.

1. Click here  to see what best suits your face.
2. This web page gives you the opportunity to upload your picture and put on some glasses, just to see how you whould look. I think its funny, but helpful too :)
3. Search and search and search until you find the perfect pair. Remember that you'll be wearing them a lot, so it's highly important they

  • emphasize your good parts of your face, 
  • they go well with your color (hair, skin), 
  • they go with your style and daily outfits.
1. Clic aici ca sa vezi ce fel de rame sunt potrivite pentru fata ta
2. Pe pagina asta poti sa iti incarci poza si sa-ti pui (virtual) ochelari, sa-ti faci o idee cum ai arata. E haios asa, dar eu zic ca e de ajutor :)
3. Cauta, cauta si mai cauta pana cand ai gasit perechea perfecta. Totusi, o sa-i porti des, asa ca e important 
  • sa te avantajeze si sa-ti accentueze calitatile fetei
  • sa mearga cu (scuzati cacofonia) culoarea tenului si a parului
  • sa mearga cu stilul tau vestimentar

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