Thursday, 6 September 2012

The glasses

Because more people asked me to, I said..ok, I'll take some pictures with the glasses I bought. I chose a pair from Guess, dark purple, simple, elegant. I'm a future (successful) businesswoman so these will look great with my future business outfit. I like the small detail they have on the sideways: a "G" and a tiny heart, girly, and romantic, just like my style. 
I still prefer the contact lenses, though.. 

Pentru ca mai multi au vrut sa vada ce-am facut, am hotarat sa pun cateva poze cu noii ochelari. Am ales o pereche draguta de la Guess, un mov asa inchis, un model simplu si elegant zic eu. Si pentru ca-s o viitoare femeie de afaceri (de succes), eu zic ca merg de minune cu tinutele business pe care-o sa le am. 
Si-mi place tare mult un detaliu pe care-l au pe lateral, si-anume un "G" urmat de o inimioara, foarte girly asa.. si romantic, asemanator stilului meu. 
Dar totusi, prefer lentilele de contact..

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