Gyor is the most important city of the NV of Hungary. It's main attractions are the beautiful buildings, the main square and the spa located in the city center. I've noticed that it's quite a popular place for Austrians and Germans, so it was an opportunity for me to practice my German. I liked it, it felt a little like a mini Vienna (if you know what I mean). But a drawback was the price list... Gyor is a beautiful place, but still a small city. And I think that the prices are too high, comparing to what it offers.
Conclusion? A calm place, perfect for walking and spa, but not more than 2 or 3 days. Oh, and expect prices as in Austria.
Gyor e cel mai important oras din NV Ungariei. Atractiile principale sunt cladirile, piata si spa-ul din centru. Am observat ca sunt multi turisti din Austria si Germania pe-acolo, deci ocazia perfecta sa-mi exersez germana. Mi-a placut asta, m-am simtit asa ca intr-o mini Viena (daca ma-ntelegi ). Dar, un dezavantaj major a fost lista de preturi. Nu zic, e un oras frumos, dar totusi mititel.. iar preturile cam mari comparativ cu ce ofera.
Concluzia? Un loc calm, perfect pentru plimbari si spa, dar nu mai mult de 2-3 zile, serios. Ah, si asteapta-te la preturi cam ca prin Austria.
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