I have flat and thin hair. I also use the hair straightener very often, that's why I try to avoid too much damage to my hair. So, for having volume I choose to use the curlers - easy, fast, efficient.
Am parul subtire si slab. Folosesc presa foarte des, de-aia incerc sa am grija de el cat pot. Asa ca, pentru a avea volum, cel mai des aleg bigudiurile scai - usor, simplu si foarte eficient.
I usually dry my hair after washing it. (If I don't use a dryer, the hair is very flat, that's why I don't like to leave it to dry naturally) Afterwards I put the magic pink things and just stay like this as much as possible. I never fix them very tightly so I won't damage the hair.
De obicei ma usc pe par imediat ce l-am spalat. (Daca nu folosesc uscator, mi-e foarte plat parul, de-aia nu-l las sa se usuce singur). Dupa imi pun chestiutile astea roz si stau cu ele cat pot. Niciodata nu le fixez prea tare, ca sa nu trag de par, sa nu-l slabesc.
I really like the volume, I think it really looks good and natural.
Imi place volumul care mi-l ofera scaiurile astea. Cred ca arata foarte bine si natural.
Once you have the volume, you can arrange your hair in different ways. You can put a flower, put on a dress, some high heels sandals, a big pair of earrings and you're off to go!
Odata ce-ai capatat volum, poti sa-ti aranjezi parul in diferite moduri. De exemplu, poti pune o floare, o rochita, niste sandale cu toc, o pereche de cercei mari si esti gata!
Or you can make a hair bun behind. Because you have volume at the roots, it will look more classy.
Sau poti sa-l prinzi in spate, daca vrei ceva mai classy. Avand volum la radacina, un coc simplu va arata mult mai dragut.
Another option is to choose the side tail. I usually like this look, but unfortunately the picture is not the best.. Anyways, I hope you can make an idea about what I mean :)
Alta optiune ar fi o coada in lateral. De obicei imi place cum imi sta asa, doar ca poza asta nu-i tocmai reusita. Oricum, sper ca ti-ai putut face o parere :)
In the end, I chose to leave it wild and free! It looks natural and perfect for the summer, what do you think?
Pana la urma, am hotarat sa-l las lejer, fara niciun accesoriu. Imi place ca arata natural si perfect pentru vara, tu ce crezi?
Nu o sa uit cine a fost coafeza mea la banchet...:)
DeleteFrumos rezultatul, la mine e exact aceeasi istorie, doar asa reusesc sa fac bucle si nu se intimpla prea des!
ReplyDeletexoxo Dia.
P.S: I have a new post btw, check it out!
:) eu foarte des imi pun scaiurile (doar pentru volum), chiar daca pe urma folosesc presa. Altfel e tare subtirel parul..
DeleteP.S. Acum ma uit :)