I've just bought a pair of scissors because I like to trim my split ends. It's not my first time, I did it a lot of times before.. I also did more radical haircuts, I'm not afraid to play with the hair. My mum was my model, I cut her hair several times and she really liked it. I plan to try my new scissors on her soon :D Other clients on my list were Dan and my brother.
I started to do this, because I was getting tired of coming upset from the hairdresser... It's those times when you specifically say "please, just the ends, just a little, I like my hair long!" and then.. BUM! half of it is on the floor... I don't know about you, but my hair grows really really slowly.. so yeah, I'm mad when I lose too much of it.. so, I chose to do it myself, and it's much better like this :)
Of course, I still go to a professional once in a while to arrange my hair and everything, but for the split ends, I can do it myself :)
Tocmai mi-am luat o foarfeca profesionala ca sa-mi tai varfurile despicate. Nu e prima data, de multe ori am mai experimentat.. am facut si frizuri mai radicale, fara nicio frica. Mama a fost modelul meu, sa zic asa.. i-am taiat parul de cateva ori si chiar i-a placut. Ba mai mult, urmeaza sa testez foarfeca pe parul ei in curand :D Alti clienti pe lista mea au fost Dan si fratele meu.
Am inceput sa ma tund singura pentru ca deja era prea de tot.. nu vi s-a intamplat sa mergeti la coafor si sa spuneti clar "doar varfurile, putin din varfuri" si.. cand colo.. jumatate de par e pe jos.. nu stiu voi, dar mie imi creste fffoarte greu, si da, ma enervez rau cand vad ca am pierdut mult..asa, degeaba.. asa ca, am hotarat sa o fac eu singura, si e mult mai bine :)
Sigur ca merg din cand in cand la un profesionist, sa-mi mai dea o forma.. sa imi puna tratamente etc.. dar cu varfurile despicate ma descurc si singura :)
Here's some good food for your hair!
Mai jos, cateva alimente bune pentru par!
- Almonds - high in vitamin E
- Migdale - bogate in vitamina E
- Walnuts - vitamin E, Zinc. They help produce a good circulation to the scalp.
- Nucile - vitamina E, Zinc. Ajuta la buna circulatie a sangelui din scalp
http://s1.hubimg.com/u/438164_f496.jpg |
- Sunflower seeds - they contain lots of vitamins and are good for a healthy hair. But pay attention to the sodium and other aromas added in the ones you buy.
- Seminte de floarea soarelui - contin multe vitamine si contribuie la un par sanatos. Dar trebuie sa fim atente la concentratia de sodiu si alte arome artificiale adaugate, atunci cand le cumparam.
- Figs - High in iron, magnesium, vitamin A,B and C, folic acid, sodium and potassium. They containt 80% more potassium than the bananas do.
- Smochinele - bogate in fier, magneziu, vitamina A,B si C, acid folic, sodiu si potasiu. Contin cu 80% mai mult potasiu decat bananele.
Other good foods are bananas, oranges, oat, and the list can go on. I chose these because they are so healthy not only for the hair, but for our entire body. They have tons of calories, it's true..but if you eat around 30grams/day it's ok.. MODERATION is the key to everything, right?
Alte alimente ar mai fi bananele, portocalele, ovazul etc. Le-am ales pe cele de sus pentru ca sunt extrem de sanatoase nu doar pentru par ci si pentru intregul organism. Intr-adevar au tone de calorii, dar mancate in jur de 30grame/zi e ok.. MODERATIA e cheia, nu?
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