I don't know about you, but I love to eat. I try to have a balanced diet, but, you see, I really needed to treat myself after the long and tiring trip to Prague.. That's why these days Dan (my boyfriend) and me decided to spoil ourselves with some good food.
Nu stiu voi, dar eu ador mancarea. In general mananc echilibrat, dar, vedeti voi, meritam si eu un rasfat dupa lunga si obositoarea excursie la Praga.. De-aia zilele astea am hotarat impreuna cu Dan (prietenul meu) sa
ne rasfatam cu mancare buna.
I made pizza! Actually, 3 pizzas.. we drank beer and watched the Olympics.. quite funny actually.. us, eating and drinking (too much) food, siting comfortably on the couch while watching others struggling on the stadium. :))
Si am facut pizza! De fapt, 3 chiar.. le-am savurat cu o bericica in timp ce ne uitam la jocurile olimpice. E chiar haios cum noi, stateam cu burta-n sus si mancam ca doi.. porcusori , in timp ce-i vedeam pe astia
strofocandu-se acolo pe teren. :))
I received for Christmas this Fondue set from Dan's mom. So, I really needed to test it to see if it works. Unfortunately for me, it really works.. and it's quite easy to use it.. and it's really delicious. We melted Milka chocolate and we used various fruits. And, of course, we had some whipped cream.
Am primit de Craciun setul asta de Fondue de la mama lui Dan. Asa ca era cazul sa-l testez si eu, sa vad cum merge.. Deci, e super! Foarte usor de folosit.. delicios! Am folosit ciocolata Milka, mai multe fructe, si, desigur, frisca.
Delicios, faci pofte Andr-o :))) Chiar acum plec si eu sa imi prepar ceva!
ReplyDeleteI have a new post too btw nu e despre mincare adica la sigur nu faci pofte asa ca poti sa intri :D
xoxo Dia.
V-ati rasfatat, nu gluma! Minunate poze ;)