Thursday, 30 August 2012

Wearing glasses

Today I'm going to buy a new pair of glasses. Yes, I'm a shortsighted person for a long time now. But I try to avoid wearing glasses because 1. I don't feel comfortable having something on my nose all the time and 2. I don't like how I look wearing them.

Azi merg sa-mi iau ochelari. Da,da.. sunt mioapa de ceva vreme, doar ca ma feresc de ochelari pentru ca, in primul rand, nu mi se par prea confortabili si, in al doilea rand, nu-mi place cum imi sta cu ei.

I usually wear contact lenses, but its healthier to combine the two of them. So, I decided it's time to buy glasses. But no, it's not easy at all.. so I thought that maybe I can help those who have the same problem.

De obicei port lentile, doar ca e bine sa alternam intre cele doua. Asa ca, in sfarsit, m-am hotarat sa-mi fac ochelari. Dar nu-i usor deloc.. asa ca m-am gandit la voi, cei care imi impartasiti "problema".. si mai jos puteti vedea doua linkuri ajutatoare.

1. Click here  to see what best suits your face.
2. This web page gives you the opportunity to upload your picture and put on some glasses, just to see how you whould look. I think its funny, but helpful too :)
3. Search and search and search until you find the perfect pair. Remember that you'll be wearing them a lot, so it's highly important they

  • emphasize your good parts of your face, 
  • they go well with your color (hair, skin), 
  • they go with your style and daily outfits.
1. Clic aici ca sa vezi ce fel de rame sunt potrivite pentru fata ta
2. Pe pagina asta poti sa iti incarci poza si sa-ti pui (virtual) ochelari, sa-ti faci o idee cum ai arata. E haios asa, dar eu zic ca e de ajutor :)
3. Cauta, cauta si mai cauta pana cand ai gasit perechea perfecta. Totusi, o sa-i porti des, asa ca e important 
  • sa te avantajeze si sa-ti accentueze calitatile fetei
  • sa mearga cu (scuzati cacofonia) culoarea tenului si a parului
  • sa mearga cu stilul tau vestimentar

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

DIY: split ends

I've just bought a pair of scissors because I like to trim my split ends. It's not my first time, I did it a lot of times before.. I also did more radical haircuts, I'm not afraid to play with the hair. My mum was my model, I cut her hair several times and she really liked it. I plan to try my new scissors on her soon :D Other clients on my list were Dan and my brother.
I started to do this, because I was getting tired of coming upset from the hairdresser... It's those times when you specifically say "please, just the ends, just a little, I like my hair long!" and then.. BUM! half of it is on the floor... I don't know about you, but my hair grows really really slowly.. so yeah, I'm mad when I lose too much of it.. so, I chose to do it myself, and it's much better like this :) 
Of course, I still go to a professional once in a while to arrange my hair and everything, but for the split ends, I can do it myself :) 
Tocmai mi-am luat o foarfeca profesionala ca sa-mi tai varfurile despicate. Nu e prima data, de multe ori am mai experimentat.. am facut si frizuri mai radicale, fara nicio frica. Mama a fost modelul meu, sa zic asa.. i-am taiat parul de cateva ori si chiar i-a placut. Ba mai mult, urmeaza sa testez foarfeca pe parul ei in curand :D Alti clienti pe lista mea au fost Dan si fratele meu.
Am inceput sa ma tund singura pentru ca deja era prea de tot.. nu vi s-a intamplat sa mergeti la coafor si sa spuneti clar "doar varfurile, putin din varfuri" si.. cand colo.. jumatate de par e pe jos.. nu stiu voi, dar mie imi creste fffoarte greu, si da, ma enervez rau cand vad ca am pierdut mult..asa, degeaba..  asa ca, am hotarat sa o fac eu singura, si e mult mai bine :)
Sigur ca merg din cand in cand la un profesionist, sa-mi mai dea o forma.. sa imi puna tratamente etc.. dar cu varfurile despicate ma descurc si singura :)

Here's some good food for your hair! 
Mai jos, cateva alimente bune pentru par! 

  • Almonds - high in vitamin E
  • Migdale - bogate in vitamina E

  • Walnuts - vitamin E, Zinc. They help produce a good circulation to the scalp.
  • Nucile - vitamina E, Zinc. Ajuta la buna circulatie a sangelui din scalp

  • Sunflower seeds - they contain lots of vitamins and are good for a healthy hair. But pay attention to the sodium and other aromas added in the ones you buy.
  • Seminte de floarea soarelui - contin multe vitamine si contribuie la un par sanatos. Dar trebuie sa fim atente la concentratia de sodiu si alte arome artificiale adaugate, atunci cand le cumparam.

  • Figs - High in iron, magnesium, vitamin A,B and C, folic acid, sodium and potassium. They containt 80% more potassium than the bananas do. 
  • Smochinele - bogate in fier, magneziu, vitamina A,B si C, acid folic, sodiu si potasiu. Contin cu 80% mai mult potasiu decat bananele.

Other good foods are bananas, oranges, oat, and the list can go on. I chose these because they are so healthy not only for the hair, but for our entire body. They have tons of calories, it's true..but if you eat around 30grams/day it's ok.. MODERATION is the key to everything, right?

Alte alimente ar mai fi bananele, portocalele, ovazul etc. Le-am ales pe cele de sus pentru ca sunt extrem de sanatoase nu doar pentru par ci si pentru intregul organism. Intr-adevar au tone de calorii, dar mancate in jur de 30grame/zi e ok.. MODERATIA  e cheia, nu? 

Sunday, 26 August 2012

With the boat

Hi guys! It's been a long time, I know.. I was planning to post something, but I didn't like the pictures after I saw them.. and then, I had to send my laptop to a check out.. I still haven't received it back...and yes, I was kinda lazy these days, I admit it.. but hei, I went yesterday to a place near my city and I guess you would like to see some pictures as well.

Salut salut salut! Stiu ca n-am mai postat de ceva vreme, dapoi aveam ceva in plan, dar pozele au iesit cam nereusite..apoi laptopul a inceput sa faca figuri, asa ca l-am trimis la cineva sa-l puna la punct.. si inca nu l-am primit adevarul e ca am si lenevit cam mult zilele astea..
Dar pentru ca ieri am avut o zi faina aici prin apropierea orasului Baia Mare (la baraj, pentru cunoscatori), m-am gandit ca v-ar placea si voua sa vedeti cateva poze.

P.S. Meet my boyfriend, Dan :)

 I was wearing a swimsuit from River Island.

Costumul de baie e marca River Island.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

F&F Dress

I told you I bought a dress from Czech Republic. Well, it is actually for autumn, but because these days was colder here,I took the chance and wore it yesterday for the first time. It is from F&F, I got it from sales..and the price.. well, was minimal.. approximately 8,5 Euros! I combined it with some leggings from Pieces and a pair of shoes from Benvenuti.

Am mentionat eu mai demult de ceva rochita cumparata din Cehia. Ei bine, e mai groasa ea, mai potrivita pentru anotimp mai rece, dar a fost frig zilele astea prin Baia Mare, asa ca am profitat de ocazie sa ma etalez cu noua achizitie. E de la firma F&F, am luat-o la pretul.. a fost extrem de mic! in jur de 40 lei. Am combinat rochia cu niste colanti Pieces si balerini Benvenuti.


Monday, 13 August 2012

Hair volume

I have flat and thin hair. I also use the hair straightener very often, that's why I try to avoid too much damage to my hair. So, for having volume I choose to use the curlers - easy, fast, efficient. 

Am parul subtire si slab. Folosesc presa foarte des, de-aia incerc sa am grija de el cat pot. Asa ca, pentru a avea volum, cel mai des aleg bigudiurile scai - usor, simplu si foarte eficient.

I usually dry my hair after washing it. (If I don't use a dryer, the hair is very flat, that's why I don't like to leave it to dry naturally) Afterwards I put the magic pink things and just stay like this as much as possible. I never fix them very tightly so I won't damage the hair. 

De obicei ma usc pe par imediat ce l-am spalat. (Daca nu folosesc uscator, mi-e foarte plat parul, de-aia nu-l las sa se usuce singur). Dupa imi pun chestiutile astea roz si stau cu ele cat pot. Niciodata nu le fixez prea tare, ca sa nu trag de par, sa nu-l slabesc. 

I really like the volume, I think it really looks good and natural.

Imi place volumul care mi-l ofera scaiurile astea. Cred ca arata foarte bine si natural. 

Once you have the volume, you can arrange your hair in different ways. You can put a flower, put on a dress, some high heels sandals, a big pair of earrings and you're off to go!

Odata ce-ai capatat volum, poti sa-ti aranjezi parul in diferite moduri. De exemplu, poti pune o floare, o rochita, niste sandale cu toc, o pereche de cercei mari si esti gata!

Or you can make a hair bun behind. Because you have volume at the roots, it will look more classy. 

Sau poti sa-l prinzi in spate, daca vrei ceva mai classy. Avand volum la radacina, un coc simplu va arata mult mai dragut.

Another option is to choose the side tail. I usually like this look, but unfortunately the picture is not the best.. Anyways, I hope you can make an idea about what I mean :)

Alta optiune ar fi o coada in lateral. De obicei imi place cum imi sta asa, doar ca poza asta nu-i tocmai reusita. Oricum, sper ca ti-ai putut face o parere :) 

In the end, I chose to leave it wild and free! It looks natural and perfect for the summer, what do you think? 

Pana la urma, am hotarat sa-l las lejer, fara niciun accesoriu. Imi place ca arata natural si perfect pentru vara, tu ce crezi? 

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Holiday treats

I don't know about you, but I love to eat. I try to have a balanced diet, but, you see, I really needed to treat myself after the long and tiring trip to Prague.. That's why these days Dan (my boyfriend) and me decided to spoil ourselves with some good food.

Nu stiu voi, dar eu ador mancarea. In general mananc echilibrat, dar, vedeti voi, meritam si eu un rasfat dupa lunga si obositoarea excursie la Praga.. De-aia zilele astea am hotarat impreuna cu Dan (prietenul meu) sa 
ne rasfatam cu mancare buna. 

  I made pizza! Actually, 3 pizzas.. we drank beer and watched the Olympics.. quite funny actually.. us, eating and drinking (too much) food, siting comfortably on the couch while watching others struggling on the stadium. :)) 

Si am facut pizza! De fapt, 3 chiar.. le-am savurat cu o bericica in timp ce ne uitam la jocurile olimpice. E chiar haios cum noi, stateam cu burta-n sus si mancam ca doi.. porcusori , in timp ce-i vedeam pe astia       
strofocandu-se acolo pe teren. :))

I received for Christmas this Fondue set from Dan's mom. So, I really needed to test it to see if it works. Unfortunately for me, it really works.. and it's quite easy to use it.. and it's really delicious. We melted Milka chocolate and we used various fruits. And, of course, we had some whipped cream.

Am primit de Craciun setul asta de Fondue de la mama lui Dan. Asa ca era cazul sa-l testez si eu, sa vad cum merge.. Deci, e super! Foarte usor de folosit.. delicios! Am folosit ciocolata Milka, mai multe fructe, si, desigur, frisca.  

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Bratislava review

On our way home, we visited Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia (and its largest city as well). What can I say? it's a nice place, but quite small. We stayed 2 days, but in one day we checked all that was on our list. 
What I liked about it is that the currency is Euro (so easier for us), and the food was delicious! I also liked that in spite of the huge number of bars and terraces, they were full of people (compared to Prague, were I saw a lot of empty places). This was also because the prices are more affordable. 
As I had free time, I had to shop a little. You know that now's the sales period. Well, usually, in this case I hardly find something, because I can't find my size. So everything I tried on was too large. But that's ok.. I bought a really cute shirt and a dress from Czech Republic :) 

In drum spre casa am vizitat Bratislava, capitala Slovaciei (si de asemenea, cel mai mare oras al tarii). Ce pot sa spun? E frumos, dar cam mititel. Am stat doua zile, dar din prima deja vazusem tot. Mi-a placut totusi ca au Euro (e mult mai convenabil asa) si mancarea a fost bunaaa! Oh, si mi-a placut ca terasele erau pline de oameni (spre deosebire de Praga, unde multe erau goale..). Asta din cauza ca preturile erau mai mici aici. 
Si daca tot am avut timp liber, am zis sa merg putin la cumparaturi. Stii ca-i perioada reducerilor acum. Doar ca, pentru mine asta-i perioada in care tare greu imi gasesc ceva, pentru ca rar vad marimea mea. Asa ca tot ce-am probat mi-a fost prea mare. Dar e ok.. nu ma plang! Am apucat totusi sa-mi iau din Cehia o camasa tare draguta si o rochie si mai draguta! :)

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Prague review

One word: beautiful! Really, there's a lot to see here, a lot of culture, beautiful landscape, old castles, shops and the list can go on and on. I believe that it is a must see city and I encourage you to go, if you haven't until now.
But if you plan to go, let me give you some advice, as it is a city full of tourists and everyone can easily get fooled by the locals.

Un singur cuvant: frumos! Serios, sunt atatea de vazut aici, multa cultura, peisaj deosebit, casteluri vechi, magazine si lista poate continua. Cred ca trebuie vazut orasul asta si te incurajez sa mergi, daca n-ai facut-o pana acum.
Dar, daca planuiesti sa mergi, uite cateva sfaturi utile, pentru ca, fiind un oras extrem de popular, localnicii ar face orice sa mai ciupeasca de pe turisti.

1. The currency is called Czech  Koruny (Crown) and you should better change it in your hometown. If you can't or you forgot, change your money in the bank - it's the best and the safest way. There are a lot of Exchange houses, but they might have extra commission that it's not shown on the board (you have to ask them). Another tricky thing is that they show a rate, but if you change a smaller amount, they apply a different one (which is bad for us, of course).

1. Moneda lor se numeste coroana ceheasca si te sfatuiesc sa schimbi banii in tara. daca nu poti, sau ai uitat, schimba-i la o banca - e cel mai cel mai sigur. Sunt multe case de schimb, dar astea aplica tot felu' de comisioane extra care poate nu-s afisate afara (trebuie sa-ntrebi tu). Alta smecherie e ca arata o rata de schimb, dar daca schimbi o suma mai mica se aplica alta, care normal ca ne dezavantajeaza pe noi, clientii.

2. I truly advise you not to try the Czech cuisine. Or if you do, go to a restaurant that someone else recommended it to you. We tried more than 4 (all fancy ones) and it was a total failure. I refuse to think that they cook so badly, but definitely in the restaurants they serve bad bad food (but expensive, as in any other capital, of course).

2. Te sfatuiesc sa nu incerci bucataria locala. Sau daca vrei, alege un restaurant pe care cineva ti l-a recomandat personal. Noi am incercat mai mult de 4 (si toate de-alea asa mai faine) si a fost un esec total. Refuz sa cred ca cehii mananca asa prost, dar cu siguranta la restaurante se serveste o mancare... nu rea, foarte rea (si normal ca preturile-s pe masura, ca doar e capitala).

3. Pay attention to the prices! They might show some small prices on the blackboards or other ads outside, but they often represent the prices for staying inside the restaurant/bar. Yes, there are different prices. For the terrace, usually you have to pay double. So always ask the waiter the price (if you don't want any surprises).

3. Ai grija la preturi! Poti vedea reclame sau meniuri scrise pe tabla afara, dar sunt pentru interior. Da, deci se aplica preturi diferite. Daca vrei sa stai pe terasa, de obicei platesti dublu. Deci intotdeauna intreaba chelnerul (ca sa nu ai surprize).

Overall, I liked the way they preserved the potential of the buildings. I liked that there were so many things to see, you could hardly get bored here. So, if you go, here's my shortlist of what you shouldn't miss:
Czech beer
Ice Cream
Old Town
Dinner on the River Cruise
Church in the Kutna Hora city

Per total, mie mi-a placut modul in care au pastrat si au reconditionat cladirile. Mi-a placut ca sunt foarte multe de facut in orasul asta, e aproape imposibil sa te plcitisesti. Deci, daca hotarasti sa te duci, uite cateva chestii pe care (eu zic) n-ar trebui sa le ratezi:
Berea ceheasca
Orasul vechi
Cina pe un vapor
Biserica din orasul Kutna Hora

Monday, 6 August 2012

Gyor review

Gyor is the most important city of the NV of Hungary. It's main attractions are the beautiful buildings, the main square and the spa located in the city center. I've noticed that it's quite a popular place for Austrians and Germans, so it was an opportunity for me to practice my German. I liked it, it felt a little like a mini Vienna (if you know what I mean). But a drawback was the price list... Gyor is a beautiful place, but still a small city. And I think that the prices are too high, comparing to what it offers. 
Conclusion? A calm place, perfect for walking and spa, but not more than 2 or 3 days. Oh, and expect prices as in Austria.

Gyor e cel mai important oras din NV Ungariei. Atractiile principale sunt cladirile, piata si spa-ul din centru. Am observat ca sunt multi turisti din Austria si Germania pe-acolo, deci ocazia perfecta sa-mi exersez germana. Mi-a placut asta, m-am simtit asa ca intr-o mini Viena (daca ma-ntelegi ). Dar, un dezavantaj major a fost lista de preturi. Nu zic, e un oras frumos, dar totusi mititel.. iar preturile cam mari comparativ cu ce ofera.
Concluzia? Un loc calm, perfect pentru plimbari si spa, dar nu mai mult de 2-3 zile, serios. Ah, si asteapta-te la preturi cam ca prin Austria.