One word: beautiful! Really, there's a lot to see here, a lot of culture, beautiful landscape, old castles, shops and the list can go on and on. I believe that it is a must see city and I encourage you to go, if you haven't until now.
But if you plan to go, let me give you some advice, as it is a city full of tourists and everyone can easily get fooled by the locals.
Un singur cuvant: frumos! Serios, sunt atatea de vazut aici, multa cultura, peisaj deosebit, casteluri vechi, magazine si lista poate continua. Cred ca trebuie vazut orasul asta si te incurajez sa mergi, daca n-ai facut-o pana acum.
Dar, daca planuiesti sa mergi, uite cateva sfaturi utile, pentru ca, fiind un oras extrem de popular, localnicii ar face orice sa mai ciupeasca de pe turisti.
1. The currency is called Czech Koruny (Crown) and you should better change it in your hometown. If you can't or you forgot, change your money in the bank - it's the best and the safest way. There are a lot of Exchange houses, but they might have extra commission that it's not shown on the board (you have to ask them). Another tricky thing is that they show a rate, but if you change a smaller amount, they apply a different one (which is bad for us, of course).
1. Moneda lor se numeste coroana ceheasca si te sfatuiesc sa schimbi banii in tara. daca nu poti, sau ai uitat, schimba-i la o banca - e cel mai cel mai sigur. Sunt multe case de schimb, dar astea aplica tot felu' de comisioane extra care poate nu-s afisate afara (trebuie sa-ntrebi tu). Alta smecherie e ca arata o rata de schimb, dar daca schimbi o suma mai mica se aplica alta, care normal ca ne dezavantajeaza pe noi, clientii.
2. I truly advise you not to try the Czech cuisine. Or if you do, go to a restaurant that someone else recommended it to you. We tried more than 4 (all fancy ones) and it was a total failure. I refuse to think that they cook so badly, but definitely in the restaurants they serve bad bad food (but expensive, as in any other capital, of course).
2. Te sfatuiesc sa nu incerci bucataria locala. Sau daca vrei, alege un restaurant pe care cineva ti l-a recomandat personal. Noi am incercat mai mult de 4 (si toate de-alea asa mai faine) si a fost un esec total. Refuz sa cred ca cehii mananca asa prost, dar cu siguranta la restaurante se serveste o mancare... nu rea, foarte rea (si normal ca preturile-s pe masura, ca doar e capitala).
3. Pay attention to the prices! They might show some small prices on the blackboards or other ads outside, but they often represent the prices for staying inside the restaurant/bar. Yes, there are different prices. For the terrace, usually you have to pay double. So always ask the waiter the price (if you don't want any surprises).
3. Ai grija la preturi! Poti vedea reclame sau meniuri scrise pe tabla afara, dar sunt pentru interior. Da, deci se aplica preturi diferite. Daca vrei sa stai pe terasa, de obicei platesti dublu. Deci intotdeauna intreaba chelnerul (ca sa nu ai surprize).
Overall, I liked the way they preserved the potential of the buildings. I liked that there were so many things to see, you could hardly get bored here. So, if you go, here's my shortlist of what you shouldn't miss:
Czech beer
Ice Cream
Old Town
Dinner on the River Cruise
Church in the Kutna Hora city
Per total, mie mi-a placut modul in care au pastrat si au reconditionat cladirile. Mi-a placut ca sunt foarte multe de facut in orasul asta, e aproape imposibil sa te plcitisesti. Deci, daca hotarasti sa te duci, uite cateva chestii pe care (eu zic) n-ar trebui sa le ratezi:
Berea ceheasca
Orasul vechi
Cina pe un vapor
Biserica din orasul Kutna Hora