Saturday, 22 September 2012

Shopping at Liverpool

I went yesterday to Liverpool to check their shopping mall, called Liverpool 1. Firstly, I recommend the city for its beautiful buildings, the boat trips, the museums (including Beatles museum, which I truly recommend). I really think it's a beautiful city.
But yesterday was all about shopping, though. We had a school assignment to observe the mall and make a report about it. Yes, I have to do this stuff for Uni, isn't that cool? 

Am fost ieri pana in Liverpool sa vad si eu mall-ul lor, si-anume Liverpool 1. Vreau sa spun ca imi place mult orasul asta, are cladiri foarte frumoase, te poti plimba cu barca si vezi toate frumusetile arhitecturale aliniate asa frumos si sunt multe muzee interesante (printre care si muzeul Beatles, pe care-l recomand!). Parerea mea e ca e un oras tare frumos.
Insa ieri a fost o zi de shopping si-atat. A trebuit sa mergem pentru facultate, sa facem un raport despre mall-ul asta. Da,da.. proiectele mele la facultate includ mult shopping si cautare de magazine.. fain, nu? 

And because I needed to taste the products, of course I had to buy some stuff too. Here's a denim vest from New Look from Sales, of course!

Si ca sa testez mai bine produsele, am luat si cate ceva, normal. Printre care si-o vestuta de blugi de la New Look, la reduceri!