My first days in Manchester were tough.. really tough.. I got food poisoning so I had to run to the Emergency Room. Twice. Finally I got all better and then the hunt for the perfect apartment began. Now everything around me is just clothes and stuff, waiting to be organized and arranged. I still haven't finished arranging everything but I can't wait to see the result.
Anyways, my advice is never to go anywhere without a health insurance! It's not that expensive and it will come at hand when you'll least expect it. I travel a lot, I go abroad every year, and I always get an insurance. And yes, I used to say: "oh come on.. it's useless".. well, not anymore! So its better to prevent these.
Oh, there's some pictures I quickly took with the mobile phone :)
Primele mele zile in frumosul oras englezesc au fost cam nasoale. Am facut o toxiinfectie alimentara serioasa de tot, ca am ajuns la urgente. De doua ori. Peripetii peste peripetii, mi-a fost rau, oh Doamne! Dar mi-a trecut si una doua m-am pus pe cautat apartamente. Acum, scriu din pat.. ma uit in jur si vad lucruri. Multe multe lucruri. Abia astept sa termin cu tot, insa inca n-am avut timp.
In fine, sfatul meu e sa va faceti mereu asigurare medicala.. da' mereu! Ca nu se stie niciodata. O zic eu, din proprie experienta.. am calatorit foarte des, in fiecare an am iesit din tara. Si mereu ma asiguram. Si mereu ziceam: oh, degeaba! Ei bine, uite ca n-a mai fost degeaba..
Mai jos cateva poze pe care le-am facut asa pe furis cu telefonul. :)
In the next days I plan to give you some ideas about decorating. I'll show you some cheap and interesting ways to make your room/apartment look cozy and cute.
Pe viitor promit niste idei despre cum ne putem decora cuibusorul nostru, fara prea mult efort. Planuiesc sa va arat cateva idei ieftine si dragute, sper sa va placa.
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