http://www.kbs.org.uk/images/news/save_money12.jpg?sfvrsn=0 |
Hi everyone! As I mentioned before, I recently moved to Manchester to start my Master's degree. Because here everything is much more expensive than in Romania, I have to pay more attention to how I spend my money. So, I recently made an account on a budget planner website, where you can write down every cost you make, every income, everything. There are lots of applications like this, and they can be installed on your smartphone as well. So you can access it very quickly and just add what you paid lately.
They show you how much you spend and on what. You can set budget limits, you can see graphics with evolution of the costs, you can put reminders with next big payments. And its really easy to use.
I believe its an efficient thing if you're a student, or if you want to save some money. It's safe also, you do not need to give your bank details or something. And no one is checking your receipts. You just add the sums.
I will just put some links with more applications like these. They are all free, they differ in some ways. If you're interested just chose whichever you like most and have fun with it! :)
Salut tuturor! Ei bine, dupa cum spuneam, m-am mutat recent in Manchester. E fain aici, doar ca preturile sunt muuult mai mari ca la noi. Asa ca trebuie sa fiu mai atenta cum imi cheltui banii, de-aia am hotarat sa-mi fac un cont pe o aplicatie online care ma ajuta sa imi inregistrez cheltuielile. Si are si aplicatie pentru smartphone, deci cand am timp doar intru repejor si mai adaug una alta. Totul se rezolva in foarte putin timp. Si foarte usor!
Programelele astea iti arata cat cheltui si pe ce anume. Poti sa-ti setezi niste limite, poti sa vezi evolutia costurilor prin grafice, poti sa-ti pui alarme cu plati mai mari (viitoare), ca sa stii ce te-asteapta. Eu zic ca e foarte eficient daca esti student, sau daca vrei sa iti controlezi putin bugetul. Si totul e sigur, ca nimeni nu iti cere sa iti dai datele contului bancar, nimeni nu-ti vede chitantele. Tu doar adaugi niste cifre.
Mai sus am pus mai multe linkuri cu astfel de aplicatii gratuite, ca sunt si altele contra cost. Nu stiu sincer care se pot aplica si in RON, ca eu acum folosesc GBP. Dar verificati voi si vedeti, poate va place careva :)