Sunday, 30 September 2012

Jewelry Holder

So I wanted to buy this birdcage to put it in my bedroom. Its so romantic, it goes so well with the room, I really like it. BUT the girl in front of me (in the shop) just bought the last piece. Devastating. So now I'm searching for ideas online and I thought, why not share it with you? Maybe you like them, or maybe you can get inspired from the pictures :) 

Am vrut sa-mi iau colivia asta ca si suport pentru bijuterii in noul dormitor. Mi se pare asa draguta si romantica, oh si merge de vis cu restul camerei. DAR tipa din fata mea (la magazin) a luat ultima bucata. Devastator. Asa ca m-am pus sa caut tot felu' de idei pe net. Si-apoi m-am gandit: de ce sa nu v-arat si voua? Poate va place ceva, sau va inspira pozele :) 

Monday, 24 September 2012

The Budget Planner

Hi everyone! As I mentioned before, I recently moved to Manchester to start my Master's degree. Because here everything is much more expensive than in Romania, I have to pay more attention to how I spend my money. So, I recently made an account on a budget planner website, where you can write down every cost you make, every income, everything. There are lots of applications like this, and they can be installed on your smartphone as well. So you can access it very quickly and just add what you paid lately. 
They show you how much you spend and on what. You can set budget limits, you can see graphics with evolution of the costs, you can put reminders with next big payments. And its really easy to use. 
I believe its an efficient thing if you're a student, or if you want to save some money. It's safe also, you do not need to give your bank details or something. And no one is checking your receipts. You just add the sums. 

I will just put some links with more applications like these. They are all free, they differ in some ways. If you're interested just chose whichever you like most and have fun with it! :) 

Clear Checkbook - this is the one I chose. Asta am ales eu! 

Salut tuturor! Ei bine, dupa cum spuneam, m-am mutat recent in Manchester. E fain aici, doar ca preturile sunt muuult mai mari ca la noi. Asa ca trebuie sa fiu mai atenta cum imi cheltui banii, de-aia am hotarat sa-mi fac un cont pe o aplicatie online care ma ajuta sa imi inregistrez cheltuielile. Si are si aplicatie pentru smartphone, deci cand am timp doar intru repejor si mai adaug una alta. Totul se rezolva in foarte putin timp. Si foarte usor! 
Programelele astea iti arata cat cheltui si pe ce anume. Poti sa-ti setezi niste limite, poti sa vezi evolutia costurilor prin grafice, poti sa-ti pui alarme cu plati mai mari (viitoare), ca sa stii ce te-asteapta. Eu zic ca e foarte eficient daca esti student, sau daca vrei sa iti controlezi putin bugetul. Si totul e sigur, ca nimeni nu iti cere sa iti dai datele contului bancar, nimeni nu-ti vede chitantele. Tu doar adaugi niste cifre. 

Mai sus am pus mai multe linkuri cu astfel de aplicatii gratuite, ca sunt si altele contra cost. Nu stiu sincer care se pot aplica si in RON, ca eu acum folosesc GBP. Dar verificati voi si vedeti, poate va place careva :)  

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Shopping at Liverpool

I went yesterday to Liverpool to check their shopping mall, called Liverpool 1. Firstly, I recommend the city for its beautiful buildings, the boat trips, the museums (including Beatles museum, which I truly recommend). I really think it's a beautiful city.
But yesterday was all about shopping, though. We had a school assignment to observe the mall and make a report about it. Yes, I have to do this stuff for Uni, isn't that cool? 

Am fost ieri pana in Liverpool sa vad si eu mall-ul lor, si-anume Liverpool 1. Vreau sa spun ca imi place mult orasul asta, are cladiri foarte frumoase, te poti plimba cu barca si vezi toate frumusetile arhitecturale aliniate asa frumos si sunt multe muzee interesante (printre care si muzeul Beatles, pe care-l recomand!). Parerea mea e ca e un oras tare frumos.
Insa ieri a fost o zi de shopping si-atat. A trebuit sa mergem pentru facultate, sa facem un raport despre mall-ul asta. Da,da.. proiectele mele la facultate includ mult shopping si cautare de magazine.. fain, nu? 

And because I needed to taste the products, of course I had to buy some stuff too. Here's a denim vest from New Look from Sales, of course!

Si ca sa testez mai bine produsele, am luat si cate ceva, normal. Printre care si-o vestuta de blugi de la New Look, la reduceri!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

The first days

My first days in Manchester were tough.. really tough.. I got food poisoning so I had to run to the Emergency Room. Twice. Finally I got all better and then the hunt for the perfect apartment began. Now everything around me is just clothes and stuff, waiting to be organized and arranged. I still haven't finished arranging everything but I can't wait to see the result.
Anyways, my advice is never to go anywhere without a health insurance! It's not that expensive and it will come at hand when you'll least expect it. I travel a lot, I go abroad every year, and I always get an insurance. And yes, I used to say: "oh come on.. it's useless".. well, not anymore! So its better to prevent these. 

Oh, there's some pictures I quickly took with the mobile phone :)

Primele mele zile in frumosul oras englezesc au fost cam nasoale. Am facut o toxiinfectie alimentara serioasa de tot, ca am ajuns la urgente. De doua ori. Peripetii peste peripetii, mi-a fost rau, oh Doamne! Dar mi-a trecut si una doua m-am pus pe cautat apartamente. Acum, scriu din pat.. ma uit in jur si vad lucruri. Multe multe lucruri. Abia astept sa termin cu tot, insa inca n-am avut timp. 
In fine, sfatul meu e sa va faceti mereu asigurare medicala.. da' mereu! Ca nu se stie niciodata. O zic eu, din proprie experienta.. am calatorit foarte des, in fiecare an am iesit din tara. Si mereu ma asiguram. Si mereu ziceam: oh, degeaba! Ei bine, uite ca n-a mai fost degeaba.. 

Mai jos cateva poze pe care le-am facut asa pe furis cu telefonul.  :)

In the next days I plan to give you some ideas about decorating. I'll show you some cheap and interesting ways to make your room/apartment look cozy and cute. 

Pe viitor promit niste idei despre cum ne putem decora cuibusorul nostru, fara prea mult efort. Planuiesc sa va arat cateva idei ieftine si dragute, sper sa va placa. 

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

New location

Hi everyone! Yes, I made it.. I've just arrived in the beautiful Manchester, where I plan to do my Master (and so much more, of course). For the moment I'm busy searching for a new place. Oh, and I have some interesting ideas for new posts, and hopefully helpful for you too :) Kisses!
Saluut! tocmai am ajuns in frumosul Manchester, unde planuiesc sa fac un master dragut (si nu numai). In momentul de fata caut un loc dragut pentru cazare.. oh , si am niste idei grozave pentru noi postari interesante si (sper) de ajutor pentru voi :) pupici!
Waiting for the plane :)

Thursday, 6 September 2012

The glasses

Because more people asked me to, I said..ok, I'll take some pictures with the glasses I bought. I chose a pair from Guess, dark purple, simple, elegant. I'm a future (successful) businesswoman so these will look great with my future business outfit. I like the small detail they have on the sideways: a "G" and a tiny heart, girly, and romantic, just like my style. 
I still prefer the contact lenses, though.. 

Pentru ca mai multi au vrut sa vada ce-am facut, am hotarat sa pun cateva poze cu noii ochelari. Am ales o pereche draguta de la Guess, un mov asa inchis, un model simplu si elegant zic eu. Si pentru ca-s o viitoare femeie de afaceri (de succes), eu zic ca merg de minune cu tinutele business pe care-o sa le am. 
Si-mi place tare mult un detaliu pe care-l au pe lateral, si-anume un "G" urmat de o inimioara, foarte girly asa.. si romantic, asemanator stilului meu. 
Dar totusi, prefer lentilele de contact..