Sunday, 23 December 2012

Preparing for Christmas

I love Christmas.Yes, I love to cook, I love to decorate my house and I love to buy gifts (a lot!). Ok, ok.. I love to receive gifts as well! 
Seriously now, I see so many stressed people around me.. (especially in the traffic!) why is that? I mean, I know it can be overwhelming.. lots of stuff to do, but why not enjoy this Holiday to the fullest? After all, it's about family, friends, good food and presents - what's not to like? :)  
And speaking of family, I went to my grandma this weekend. I helped her bake and do the Christmas tree. And now, preparations for our home begin - can't wait!

Ador Craciunul. Imi place sa gatesc, imi palce sa decorez casa si-mi place sa cumpar cadouri (foarte mult chiar). Si da, imi place sa si primesc cadouri! 
Si vad in jurul meu foarte multi oameni stresati.. (in special in trafic!) si nu-nteleg de ce.. Desigur, poate deveni obositor cu-atata munca.. dar de ce sa nu incercam sa facem totul cu placere? Pana la urma, sarbatoarea asta inseamna familie, prieteni, mancare buna si cadouri - si toate suna foarte bine! :)  
Am vizitat-o pe bunica weekendul asta. Am ajutat-o putintel la gatit si la facut bradul.
Iar acum incepem la noi acasa - de-abia astept!

I found these Christmas decorations that my grandma received from her mum. They are around 60 years old now.. and they're amazing! :)

Am gasit globurile astea, pe care bunica le-a primit de la mama ei. Au in jur de 60 de ani vechime... si sunt minunate! :)

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