Saturday, 1 December 2012

Charlotte's Wardrobe - Part1

As I mentioned on Facebook , I started a new project: The Wardrobe. I always get inspiration from other people, so why not see what they have in their wardrobe? I find it very interesting to learn more about each style and I hope you'll like it too. The first photo shoot was with my friend Charlotte, from the Netherlands. It's divided into 3 parts, so stay in touch! :)

Dupa cum am spus si pe Facebook, am inceput un nou proiect: The Wardrobe, adica Dulapul. Mereu ma inspir uitandu-ma la cei din jur, asa c-am ce sa nu aflu mai multe? Mi se pare o idee interesanta si sper sa va placa si voua. Prima sesiune foto am facut-o cu prietena mea, Charlotte, din Olanda. Am impartit pozele in 3 parti, asa ca .. mai urmeaza! :) 

Hi, I am Charlotte and I am studying Fashion Buying in Manchester. 
really have a passion for fashion! I have 1000 different styles and I always try to mix some cheaper garments with some expensive garments. 
This makes the styling fun and challenging.

Primark, H&M, Zara and Vintage things

For more information, leave a comment.

Pentru mai multe informatii, lasati un comentariu. 

See Blog Andra Dorolti on  Facebook


  1. Oau,Charlotte are o colectie minunata de genti,iar setul pentru ceai e superb :)

    1. :) in posturile urmatoare voi arata si genti plic, minunate!
      Ma bucur ca-ti place, Paula :)

