Saturday, 29 December 2012


There are many places in Romania where you can still find traditional celebrations and costumes. One of them is Maramures, the place where I'm from - famous for its amazing wooden churches protected by UNESCO. So if you ever visit Romania, don't forget to come to Maramures, too! 
Here are some pictures with our traditional costumes :)

Pentru prima data, am fost la Sighet, la Festivalul de Datini si Obiceiuri de Iarna. Am ramas placut impresionata sa vad atatea costume autentice, jocuri si traditii. Iar oamenii erau mandri, fericiti, senini. O experienta minunata pe care-o recomand oricui! Are loc in fiecare an, intre Craciun si Anul Nou. Poate la anul ne vedem acolo! :)

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Christmas Eve

How was your Christmas? 
Mine was really nice, here are some pictures!

Cum a fost seara voastra de Craciun? 
A mea a fost foarte frumoasa, asa c-am hotarat sa pun cateva poze! 
My brother and I, unwrapping gifts :)
Desfacand cadouri, impreuna cu fratele meu :)
Andra & Dan
Dress/Rochie: Forever 21
Necklace/Colier: Primark
 Something I got from Santa :)
Unul din cadourile de la Mosu :)

Merry Christmas everyone and Happy Holidays! 

Craciun fericit tuturor si Sarbatori Frumoase!

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Sunday, 23 December 2012

Preparing for Christmas

I love Christmas.Yes, I love to cook, I love to decorate my house and I love to buy gifts (a lot!). Ok, ok.. I love to receive gifts as well! 
Seriously now, I see so many stressed people around me.. (especially in the traffic!) why is that? I mean, I know it can be overwhelming.. lots of stuff to do, but why not enjoy this Holiday to the fullest? After all, it's about family, friends, good food and presents - what's not to like? :)  
And speaking of family, I went to my grandma this weekend. I helped her bake and do the Christmas tree. And now, preparations for our home begin - can't wait!

Ador Craciunul. Imi place sa gatesc, imi palce sa decorez casa si-mi place sa cumpar cadouri (foarte mult chiar). Si da, imi place sa si primesc cadouri! 
Si vad in jurul meu foarte multi oameni stresati.. (in special in trafic!) si nu-nteleg de ce.. Desigur, poate deveni obositor cu-atata munca.. dar de ce sa nu incercam sa facem totul cu placere? Pana la urma, sarbatoarea asta inseamna familie, prieteni, mancare buna si cadouri - si toate suna foarte bine! :)  
Am vizitat-o pe bunica weekendul asta. Am ajutat-o putintel la gatit si la facut bradul.
Iar acum incepem la noi acasa - de-abia astept!

I found these Christmas decorations that my grandma received from her mum. They are around 60 years old now.. and they're amazing! :)

Am gasit globurile astea, pe care bunica le-a primit de la mama ei. Au in jur de 60 de ani vechime... si sunt minunate! :)

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

First days at home

I really missed... sweet kittens...

 ...the nice places downtown...

...walking the park... 
...Our amazing Christmas Tree from the city centre...

 ...and much more...

There's no place like home!

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Sunday, 16 December 2012

Red dress for Christmas
For this Christmas I'd love to wear a red dress. A simple, elegant one and accessorized with big, golden jewelry. Unfortunately, I haven't bought one yet.. because of the usual reasons: wrong size, wrong price, or wrong model... I bought a cream-golden Christmas dress, though (I couldn't help it!)... but I still hope I'll find a red one this week. If not, next year, then! 
What are you going to wear this Christmas? :) 

Pentru Craciunul asta am o fixatie: rochie rosie. Simpla, eleganta, accesorizata cu bijuterii mari, aurii. Din pacate n-am gasit una potrivita pana acum.. din motive obisnuite: marimi prea mari/mici, pret ridicat, sau pur si simplu un model nepotrivit.. Mi-am luat o rochie crem-aurie, totusi (nu m-am putut abtine!)..Dar inca mai sper ca poate-poate gasesc una rosie saptamana ce vine. Daca nu, poate la anul!
Voi ce purtati de Craciun? :)

Blog Andra Dorolti on Facebook

Monday, 10 December 2012

Christmas Party in Manchester

Before everyone was going home for Christmas, my friends and I decided to do a Christmas Party. We chose the 6th of December because many cultures celebrate the St.Nicolas then, do you celebrate it too? The evening was just great! Mulled Cider (first time I tried it - delicious!), Cakes, Muffins, Presents, Laughter, Friends! 

In case you wonder, I got a Christmas hat and a big brown bag! And I baked those Coconut Macaroons, from my previous post

Inainte de-a incepe vacanta de iarna, am hotarat impreuna cu prietenele mele sa facem o petrecere de Craciun. Si-am ales sa sarbatorim pe data de 6 Decembrie, da.. de Sfantul Nicolae! 
Seara a fost foarte reusita! Am baut cidru fiert pentru prima data - delicios! si desigur, prajituri si toate cele. Cadourile au fost faine toate, am ras bine si m-am simtit extraordinar!

Daca va-ntrebati, eu am primit o caciula de Mos si o geanta maro. Ah, si am facut Coconut Macaroons, reteta pe care-am postat-o ultima data aici

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