Friday, 18 January 2013

Berlin Fashion Week

Berlin Fashion Week is an event where designers come and show their products to different buyers from all around the world. So our objective was to explore, analyse and see how fashion business takes place. It's the perfect place to see what good quality fashion and design is. And it was interesting to see all those well prepared buyers: good negotiation skills, charisma, determination, confidence. I was overwhelmed by what some designers can do...what I can say is that autumn/winter 2013 is gonna be amazing! My favourite designers were from France, Paris (Eyedoll, Ella Luna, Chantal Simard-jewelry).
Because of copyright reasons, I won't be able to show you many pictures. But even so, this is something you need to experience personally to get the right image. So if you work, or want to work in the fashion industry, I recommend the Berlin Fashion Week!

Berlin Fashion Week e un mare eveniment la care participa numerosi desgin-eri care vor sa-si ofere produsele, in special, in alte tari. Obiectivul nostru a fost sa observam, sa analizam si sa vedem efectiv cum au loc tranzactiile in lumea modei. E un mediu perfect pentru a vedea produse de calitate. A fost interesant sa vad agenti de vanzare extrem de pregatiti: carismatici, hotarati, buni negociatori, siguri pe ei. 
Am fost putin colpesita de ce pot crea unii desgineri.. ce pot sa spun e ca urmatoarea colectie va fi superba! Preferatii mei au fost francezii  (Eyedoll, Ella Luna, Chantal Simard- bijuterii).
Din cauza drepturilor de autor, nu voi putea sa va arat prea multe poze. Oricum, asta-i o experienta ce trebuie traita personal, ca sa poti sa-ti faci o idee despre ce e vorba. Asa ca, daca lucrati sau doriti sa lucrati in industria modei, va recomand sa participati la Berlin Fashion Week! 

I was pleased to see Romanian designers at Premium! :) 
M-am bucurat sa vad desgin-eri romani la Premium! :)

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