Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Oxford, baby!

I already told you I was in Oxford, so here's some ideas I want to share with you about this place. I made a movie, again! It's just what I captured in the first hour only..I used all my memory card and wasn't able to film anymore. But it's funny and I hope you'll enjoy it! :)

Deja v-am spus c-am fost in Oxford, asa ca e vremea sa impartasesc cateva pareri si cu voi. Am facut iar un filmulet. E doar ce-am apucat sa filmez in prima ora...ca am ramas fara spatiu pe card! Dar e haios si sper sa va placa :)

Because it's a student city, there's always something to do here. But I believe the main attraction are the buildings of the university. You can also see some places where Harry Potter was shot - they have guided tours, around 1-2 hours. The ticket prices differ, some of them are really cheap (around 2 pounds), some more.. depends on what you want to see. 

Pentru ca e un oras studentesc, mereu e ceva de facut aici. Dar parerea mea e ca atractia principala consta in cladirile facultatilor. Se pot vizita diverse incaperi unde au avut loc filmarile Harry Potter - cu ghizi, dureaza cam 1-2 ore. Preturile biletelor difera.. incep cam de la 2 lire si urca tot mai sus...depinde de ce vreti sa vedeti. 
The city has historical buildings, so I recommend you'd walk around tiny streets to explore it. Of course, you can also take a city sightseeing bus if you want. But the city's not that big, so you can easily do the tour by feet.   
One thing that I love is the river cruise.. unfortunately we had no time to do it, but that's so romantic and nice! 

Intregul oras e plin de cladiri istorice, va recomand sa va plimbati pe toate stradutele mici si sa explorati zona. Sigur, puteti alege sa luati autobuzele alea speciale cu etaj. Dar orasul nu-i asa mare, cu siguranta puteti sa faceti o tura pe jos. 
Un lucru care mie mi se pare minunat e posibilitatea de a va plimba cu barca.. din pacate eu n-am mai apucat, data viitoare poate!
Of course, as the majority of museums in the UK, also in Oxford you can visit them for free. Just check their timetable before, as they tend to close quite early (5-6pm).
And, if you want to take a break, just visit one of the many pubs and bars - typical English pubs with traditional food, afternoon tea with scones (just like the ones in the picture I posted recently).

Desigur, ca si majoritatea muzeelor din UK, si in Oxford au intrare gratuita. Verificati inainte programul, pentru ca majoritatea inchid destul de reped ezic eu (5-6 seara).
Si, daca vreti sa luati o pauza, incercati ceva tipic englezesc intr-unul din multele pub-uri si baruri. Un meniu specific e ceai cu sandwitchuri si un fel de chec cu gem (am postat recent o poza cu asta).

What would you like to see more on my blog? Just leave a comment if you have something to share :)

Ce v-ar placea sa vedeti mai mult pe blog? Lasati un comentariu cu ideile voastre :)


  1. I have also been there :) Nice city :) Did u take a bus tour as me? :D

    Buziaki Andra :*

    1. Hei Roxy! :)
      No, I didn't.. we just walked around. we also got kinda lost at one point - you can see from the video :))
      But it was fun :)

