I promised to give you ideas about decorating and stuff. Well, because there is so much to talk about, I chose to post several times under this (lets call it) theme. Last time I showed you some examples of jewelry holders. Now its time to give you some ideas about organizing your papers, as I just bought something I'm really found of!
Its just some nice pictures I found on the internet. Some of them are really expensive, though... but hei, searching for a cheaper version is not something new, isn't it? we do it all the time with clothes, so not why with things for house too?
I hope you like it! My next post will be about cheap things at Ikea! As this shop is available all around the world, I'm sure you'll find it useful. Still, I don't know when this next post will be, I still have no internet at home so blogging productivity is lower these days. Anyways, I'll keep you posted on Facebook about every change!
Am promis c-am sa vin cu idei despre cum sa ne organizam casa/camera de camin/camera. Ei bine, pentru ca sunt foarte multe de spus, am hotarat sa postez mai multe "editii" sub tema asta. Data trecuta v-am aratat cateva obiecte pentru aranjatul bijuteriilor. Acum va arat cateva poze cu diverite metode de a ne organiza hartiile si documentele. De unde grandioasa idee? Tocmai mi-am luat ceva dragut si da, sunt entuziasmata ca de obicei cand vine vorba de-o noua achizite. :)
Sunt doar cateva poze pe care le-am gasit pe net. Unele sunt chiar foarte scumpe, dar putem oricand cauta o versiune mai ieftina, nu? Mereu facem asta cu hainele, asa ca de ce sa nu aplicam tehnica si asupra lucrurilor pentru casa?
Sper sa va placa! Urmatoarea postare va fi legata de lucruri ieftine de la Ikea! Oricine are acces la magazinul asta, daca nu la Bucuresti, in Ungaria (pentru unii e mai aproape, de exemplu Maramures). Asa ca eu zic ca va fi util ce va arat (sper!). Din pacate, nu stiu cand va fi urmatoarea postare. Tot fara internet sunt.. si sa spunem doar ca productivitatea e scazuta, internetul fiind principala sursa pentru de toate. Oricum, orice noutate o postez si pe facebook, sa nu cumva sa pierdeti ceva!
http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/341464339/100-Brand-New-Design-Office-Desktop-Multi-purpose-Pen-font-b-Stationary-b-font-Magazine-Documents.jpg |
http://thedecorologist.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/shutter-mail-holder-via-better-homes-and-gardens.jpg |
My Choice: a briefcase from Wilkinsons (5 Pounds)
Alegerea mea: un fel de geamantan de la Wilkinsons (cam 30 lei)
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