Sunday, 28 October 2012

Road trip

Friday evening. Pizza. Modern Family. Coziness. 
Dan : 'Pack your bags, tomorrow - road trip!' 

Vineri seara. Pizza. Modern Family. Cald si bine.
Dan: "Fa-ti bagajele, iubito! Maine mergem in excursie!"

And together we decided to see the Yorkshire Dales National Park area. My feedback? You should definitely see it! And if you decide to go, don't forget to buy cheese from Hawes! Its yummi! 
Here are some of the pictures we took :)

Si impreuna am decis sa vizitam zona Yorkshire, undeva mai sus de Manchester cam la 100 si ceva de km distanta. 
Vai, deci de veniti incoace, trebuie sa vizitati zona asta! E foarte frumos. Si daca va hotarati sa vedeti cum e, nu uitati sa cumparati branza autentica din localitatea Hawes. Un adevarat deliciu!
Mai jos, cateva dintre pozele pe care le-am facut :) 

Sunday, 21 October 2012

10 Minute Workouts

Hi all! I try to work out almost everyday. Sometimes it's an hour, sometimes its 10 minutes.. but the idea is to try and be active as much as possible. I know, we are lazy, we don't have time, we don't have space at home, we don't have money to go to a gym etc.. That's why I'll give you some short workouts that are very easy to follow, they are free (from youtube) and they are efficient, I promise :) 

Salut tuturor! Nu stiu voi, dar eu incerc sa fac miscare aproape zilnic. Uneori fac sport o ora, alteori 10 minute amarate.. dar ideea e sa facem miscare, miscare, miscare! Stiu ca suntem lenesi, ca poate n-avem timp, sau n-avem spatiu in casa, ori bani de sala.. De-aia m-am gandit sa va dau cateva filmulete scurte foarte usor de urmarit, sunt gratis desigur (de pe youtube) si sunt eficiente, promit! :)

For your hands, see the following clip. Its in Romanian, but the moves are easy to follow, you don't need to understand what she's saying. In fact, I find her voice a little annoying and I usually put her on mute and turn on my music. The movie (I think) is older than me, but the exercises are great!

Pentru maini, va recomand filmuletul de mai jos. Eu personal o pun pe tipa pe silentios, si-mi pun muzica mea pe fundal. Miscarile sunt simple si-atunci nu cred ca e nevoie sa ascultam tot ce zice. Stiu ca-i cam vechi filmuletul (cred ca-i mai "batran" ca mine), dar exercitiile sunt super, parerea mea! 

* Sorry for the lack of clarity, I know.. 
** Another tip for your hands is to try and make some push ups! They are great also for a firm breast.
** Un alt pont pentru maini e sa faceti flotari! Sunt minunate si pentru un piept ferm.

For your butt, try the movie clip from the same chick! 
Pentru posterior, recomand un filmulet tot de la tipa asta!

In the morning is great to try this one:
Dimineata, va recomand asta:

For your (6Pack)Abs:
Pentru minunatul abdomen:

CARDIO, baby!

Other tips:
- Always warm up before! (some of these movies include this part as well, but you can make it longer, especially if you're a beginner)
- Unless its an aerobic/tae-bo (etc) class, try to work out alone, this way you won't get distracted and you'll work more efficient
- Make a playlist, and listen to it while you work out. When I do this, I realize that either I can do something longer (at least 5 minutes more), or faster, or at a higher level of intensity. My playlist? Its just favourite, energetic songs.
- If you're a girl, please, please, DO NOT wear make up..
- Have always a bottle of water with you and just take a sip once in a while

Alte sfaturi:
- Nu neglijati incalzirea de la inceput! (cateva filmulete de mai sus au inclus, dar ati putea sa prelungiti faza asta, mai ales daca sunteti la inceput)
- In cazul in care nu e vorba de aerobic/tae-bo etc, incercati sa faceti sport singuri, ca sa evitati discutii care va pot distrage de la munca
- Faceti-va un playlist personalizat si ascultati muzica in timp ce faceti sport. Eu personal, cand ascult muzica la casti, ori rezist mai mult timp (minim 5 minute), ori maresc viteza, ori muncesc mult mai intens. Iar playlist-ul meu cuprinde muzica ritmata si cat mai motivanta.
- Fetelor, va rog eu, renuntati la machiaj in timpul sportului..
- Mereu sa aveti o sticla cu apa la voi si din cand in cand luati cate-o gura

Good luck!

Friday, 19 October 2012

DIY decoration

Hei! So, for today its DIY decorative inspirations.My friend Noor was the one who gave me this idea by showing me an awesome link. I liked tones of pictures, of course.. because they have lots and lots and lots! So, I'm just gonna show you something that I'd choose (and something easy to make, without being too handy) and you can just click on the links and go directly to the website to see more.
I've used other sources as well, so when you like something, just use the link for more information or more ideas. 

Hei! Tema de azi e DIY, adica Do It Yourself (ce-ai putea face tu cu manuta ta!). Prietena mea Noor mi-a dat ideea asta grozava, postandu-mi un link pe Facebook cu muulte chesti interesante. Mi-au placut multe, ce-i drept. E un site calumea, ofera multe idei. Am ales mai jos cateva doar - ceva ce si eu mi-as face (si ceva cat decat usor de facut pentru oricine). Puteti accesa site-ul dand click pe link-ul de sub fiecare poza.
Am folosit mai multe surse, asa ca, daca va surade vreo idee, doar urmati linkul pentru mai multe detalii direct de la sursa.

Enjoy! :)

Friday, 12 October 2012

Ikea under 10 pounds

Hi everyone! As I promised, you can see some nice items from Ikea under 10 Pounds. Just some ideas to make your places more cozy and more like.. you. 
I hope you enjoy them! 

Salut! Cum v-am promis, mai jos gasiti mai multe lucruri dragute de la Ikea la preturi accesibile. M-am orientat spre suma maxima de 60 RON (adica 10 lire). Totul e sub aceasta suma. 
Sper sa va placa!

*Every picture is taken from the official site of Ikea, as well as the prices. 

Monday, 8 October 2012

Organizing our files

I promised to give you ideas about decorating and stuff. Well, because there is so much to talk about, I chose to post several times under this (lets call it) theme. Last time I showed you some examples of jewelry holders. Now its time to give you some ideas about organizing your papers, as I just bought something I'm really found of! 
Its just some nice pictures I found on the internet. Some of them are really expensive, though... but hei, searching for a cheaper version is not something new, isn't it? we do it all the time with clothes, so not why with things for house too? 
I hope you like it! My next post will be about cheap things at Ikea! As this shop is available all around the world, I'm sure you'll find it useful. Still, I don't know when this next post will be, I still have no internet at home so blogging productivity is lower these days. Anyways, I'll keep you posted on Facebook about every change!

Am promis c-am sa vin cu idei despre cum sa ne organizam casa/camera de camin/camera. Ei bine, pentru ca sunt foarte multe de spus, am hotarat sa postez mai multe "editii" sub tema asta. Data trecuta v-am aratat cateva obiecte pentru aranjatul bijuteriilor. Acum va arat cateva poze cu diverite metode de a ne organiza hartiile si documentele. De unde grandioasa idee? Tocmai mi-am luat ceva dragut si da, sunt entuziasmata ca de obicei cand vine vorba de-o noua achizite. :)
Sunt doar cateva poze pe care le-am gasit pe net. Unele sunt chiar foarte scumpe, dar putem oricand cauta o versiune mai ieftina, nu? Mereu facem asta cu hainele, asa ca de ce sa nu aplicam tehnica si asupra lucrurilor pentru casa? 
Sper sa va placa! Urmatoarea postare va fi legata de lucruri ieftine de la Ikea! Oricine are acces la magazinul asta, daca nu la Bucuresti, in Ungaria (pentru unii e mai aproape, de exemplu Maramures). Asa ca eu zic ca va fi util ce va arat (sper!). Din pacate, nu stiu cand va fi urmatoarea postare. Tot fara internet sunt.. si sa spunem doar ca productivitatea e scazuta, internetul fiind principala sursa pentru de toate. Oricum, orice noutate o postez si pe facebook, sa nu cumva sa pierdeti ceva!

My Choice: a briefcase from Wilkinsons (5 Pounds)

Alegerea mea: un fel de geamantan de la Wilkinsons (cam 30 lei)