As I promised in a previous post, here's some advice on how to organize your closet. I personally like to reorganize it over and over again because I have a lot of clothes and I often forget I have some items. Really, I often find a blouse or some accessories and think to myself "Damn, it's been a while since I haven't worn it!". Usually we focus on the latest bargains and forget about other pieces in our closet. Well, if we organize it well, we can solve the "problem".
Dupa cum am promis intr-o postare anterioara, urmeaza sa gasiti cateva sfaturi despre cum sa va organizati dulapul. Mie-mi place sa-l reorganizez de mai multe ori intr-un an pentru ca am o gramada de haine si de multe ori uit de ele. Serios, ma lovesc des de situatii in care gasesc cate-o bluza sau ceva accesoriu si ma gandesc "Doamne, e o vesnicie de cand n-am mai purtat asta!". De obicei ramanem fixate pe hainele care le-am cumparat cel mai recent si uitam de multe alte chestii dragute din dulap. Dar, eu cred ca daca-l organizam asa cum trebuie, putem rezolva "problema".
1. Try everything and decide whether it goes to:
- trash bag
- charity, friends, family
- a visit to the tailor's
1. Incearca tot si decide daca merge la:
- gunoi
- donatii, prieteni, familie
- o vizita la croitor
2. Women love shoes. That's why we have too many, and never enough. I recommend:
- Keep your shoes in the original box and put on the box a picture of them. Then you can store the boxes on top of the closet (for example) and you can easily see the shoes without opening every box.
- If you have more hanging space, you can buy these items form Ikea, as seen in the next picture.
2. Femeile adora pantofii. De-aceea avem prea multi si totusi, niciodata destul de multi. Recomand:
- Pastreaza pantofii in cutiile originale si lipeste pe ele o poza cu ei. Poti apoi sa pui cutiile unde vrei, de exemplu deasupra dulapului. Astfel, poti sa vezi toti pantofii fara sa deschizi fiecare cutie.
- Daca ai dulap cu bara pentru haine, atunci poti sa-ti agati accesorii de la Ikea, ca in poza de mai jos.

I use a special hanger for my belts, too.
Folosesc si un accesoriu special pentru curele.
3. Show your jewelry
3. Arata-ti bijuteriile
4. Separate your make up for eyes, nails, hair, etc.
4. Separa-ti lucrurile de make up pentru ochi, unghii, par, etc.
5. Personalize the closet. Put some photos, some cute accessories (you'll find a funny stapler in my picture), things that you like.
5. Personalizeaza-ti dulapul. Pune niste poze, niste accesorii dragute (vei vedea in poza mea un capsator haios), lucruri care-ti plac.